Edison & Ford Winter Estates - Fort Myers, FL

The Edison and Ford Winter Estates is a sprawling 17-acre botanical garden and arboretum. It is situated on the winter estates of two of America's most renowned inventors, Thomas Alva Edison and Henry Ford. The estates are located by the Caloosahatchee River in Southwest Florida, offering a unique blend of history, nature, and beauty.

Opening Hours of Edison and Ford Winter Estates

The Edison and Ford Winter Estates are open to the public every day, including Sundays. Visitors are welcome from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. This allows ample time to explore the estates, the botanical garden, and the arboretum.

Edison's Botanical Garden

One of the highlights of the Edison and Ford Winter Estates is Edison's botanical garden. It boasts over a thousand species and varieties of plants from around the world. Among these are African salsa trees and a 400-foot Ficus benghalensis, which was a gift from Harvey Firestone in 1925. The diversity and beauty of the plant life in the garden make it a must-see for nature lovers.

Learn more about Avalon Dental and how our dentist in Fort Myers, FL supports Edison & Ford Winter Estates.  

Other Attractions in Fort Myers, FL

Fleamasters Fleamarket
Fort Myers River Disrict
Lakes Regional Park
Manatee Park
Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve

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